Tanzania use four TJILI paintings for their "Wildlife of Africa" national stamps
We are delighted to announce that Tanzania have chosen four paintings from TJILI’s "Colourful Creatures" collection for a new series of national stamps entitled "Wildlife of Africa".
The two Wildlife of Africa mini-sheets feature TJILI’s "Dottie" (giraffe), "Flamboyant" (flamingo), "King of the World" (lion), and "Elefante" (elephant). The stamps are issued today, Sunday, 17 December 2017.
MINI-SHEET 1 (feat. "Dottie")
(Copyright © TPC, IGPC and TJILI )
MINI-SHEET 2 (feat. "Flamboyant", "King of the World" and "Elefante")

(Copyright © TPC, IGPC and TJILI )
Tanzania Posts Corporation (TPC) accepted the stylish designs submitted by Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation (IGPC), the world’s largest philatelic network and renowned agents to dozens of governments from countries around the world.
IGPC were pleasantly surprised at how quickly Tanzania Posts approved and released their stamp designs. “We're thankful for the opportunity to work with TJILI's beautiful art, and delighted that we could create the gorgeous stamp designs that Tanzania Posts have chosen to release!”, said Marina Lam, Art Director / Product Manager at IGPC.
Allan Grant, owner of worldwide stamp dealers, Rushstamps (Retail) Ltd, and grandfather of TJILI, originally suggested the collaboration between TJILI and IGPC and initiated the introductions. He is understandably delighted.
“Not only am I a very proud grandfather”, Allan said, “but the issue of TJILI’s beautiful new Tanzanian stamps coincides with Rushstamps’ 60th anniversary celebrations!”.
“We’re planning some very special pieces, including the Tanzanian stamps bundled with TJILI’s four artworks, overprints for the next Stampex (London, 14-17 February 2018), and a limited number of "Special Edition" packs signed by TJILI herself”, he added.
TJILI’s mother, Vik Grant Wetherill, said, “We’re so tremendously proud of TJILI. When we adopted her she was weak and tiny, experts said she may never even walk or feed herself. TJILI's courage, determination, talent and application are such an inspiration, not just for us but for millions of her followers and supporters around the world. We really love her #GiveItAGo attitude. TJILI truly is #DifferentlyAbled, not dis-abled!”.
For TJILI, a 16-year-old schoolgirl who has cerebral palsy, is deaf, and cannot speak, this rounds-out a remarkable 2017 journey. Unknown as an artist at the start of this year, she has quickly become critically-acclaimed for her watercolour paintings after two pieces featured in the Royal Watercolour Society’s 2017 international ‘Contemporary Watercolour’ exhibition in London (March '17).
This website (www.TJILI.com) launched on the same day the RWS exhibition opened to the public and, just a few months later, TJILI's art now graces public and private collections in over 20 countries worldwide. And is being used on Tanzanian stamps. As TJILI would say ... "Amazing. Yay. Wow!!" xx
Well done TJILI, we can’t wait to see your new paintings and follow your exciting journey in 2018 and beyond. Happy painting!!